Each year, the Office of Sustainability hosts a variety of annually recurring events and campaigns to help students and others learn how to Make Orange Green.
Arbor Day Celebration
Each year we celebrate both Tennessee Arbor Day and National Arbor Day. Tennessee Arbor Day is the first Friday in March and National Arbor Day is the last Friday in April.
Big Green Friday
Putting an environmental twist on Big Orange Friday, wear green to kickoff annual Earth Month celebrations.
Power Challenge
A UT tradition since 2005, the month-long Make Orange Green POWER Challenge is a way for the UT community to demonstrate its commitment to reducing the university’s environmental impact.
Biketoberfest is a week-long cycling “festival” in October of every year. The goals of the event are to highlight cycling programs at UT and in Knoxville, build community among cyclists in Knoxville, and encourage biking as a means of commuting sustainably. Click on the title for a schedule of events for 2022!
Sustainability Symposium
Our Sustainability Symposium is an opportunity for students to present sustainability related research, projects, and art pieces. This year, our event will take place in person in April.
Earth Month Celebration
Here at the University of Tennessee, we take Earth Month seriously—filling the days and weeks with events, activities, and programs promoting the work we do year-round to Make Orange Green.
Sustainability Career Mingle
This joint effort with the Center for Career Development and Academic Exploration provides an opportunity for students interested in sustainability careers opportunities to meet with potential employers and other organizations.
Environmental Leadership Awards
Each year, we recognize students, faculty, staff members, and outstanding members of the greater Knoxville community who help to Make Orange Green with our annual award ceremony.
Campus Race to Zero Waste
Campus Race to Zero Waste is a yearly intercollegiate recycling and waste reduction competition held between nearly 200 colleges and universities.
Sustainability Day of Service
The Center for Leadership & Service, the Student Government Association and UTK’s Office of Sustainability partner together for UT’s annual sustainability focused day of service.