My Tiny Trash is a waste reduction initiative implemented within offices on campus in efforts to reduce waste to landfill and increase recycling rates. In the Facilities Services Complex, My Tiny Trash has contributed to a 66% recycling rate compared to a campus average of approximately 33%.
My Tiny Trash is coming to your UT office building. Check out when your building is scheduled to receive the update, and read our My Tiny Trash FAQ for more information on this initiative.
Why do we have a My Tiny Trash initiative?
The Office of Sustainability is implementing My Tiny Trash in offices to promote waste awareness, encourage environmental stewardship, increase recycling rates, and decrease landfill waste on campus. We’re achieving this by swapping traditional desk-side trash cans with three-quart Tiny Trash containers attached to a larger recycling bin.
What should I put in My Tiny Trash bin?
You should place all non-recyclable materials in your Tiny Trash bin. This includes candy wrappers, chip bags, foil, and straws. When full, you will be responsible for emptying your Tiny Trash into the grey landfill bin at waste stations throughout the building.
Where should I put my recyclable or compostable materials?
Your recyclable materials (including paper, plastics #1-7, aluminum cans, and steel cans) go in your blue desk-side recycling bin. When it fills up, you will take and sort the contents of this bin into the blue and green bins at the waste stations. If available in your building, your compostable materials (food scraps, napkins, etc) should be taken to the compost bin in kitchens or break rooms.
What other schools have similar Tiny Trash programs?
University of Tennessee, Knoxville is among the first universities in the SEC to implement a Tiny Trash program!