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Green Graduation

Green Graduation is a way to recognize students for their achievements and efforts towards sustainability as undergraduate students. While at the University of Tennessee, students can complete different sustainability-related tasks to earn points towards a green cord and a medallion to wear at graduation.

All About Points

Once at least 10 points have been earned, the student will receive a green cord to wear at graduation. With at least 20 points, the student can earn a medallion and a cord to wear at graduation.

Earning Points

1-Point Opportunities
  • Volunteer with the Sustainability Department or a sustainability-related event
  • Write a sustainability related article/column published in the Daily Beacon or other source
  • Be an active member of a sustainability related organization on campus
  • Attend a Sustainability Conference
3-Point Opportunities
  • Complete a sustainability/sustainability-related course at the University of Tennessee
  • Serve as an officer for a sustainability related organization on campus
  • Complete undergraduate research in a sustainability related field
5-Point Opportunities
  • Work at a sustainability-related job/internship for at least one semester
  • Complete a Sustainability Study Abroad