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What is AmeriCorps?

AmeriCorps is a network of local, state, and national service programs that connects over 70,000 Americans each year in an intensive service to meet community needs in education, the environment, public safety, health, and homeland security.

Members serve in full or part-time positions over a period of 10-12 months, depending on the program. Our office specifically offers seven different full-time positions through AmeriCorps that serve over a 10 month period from August through June. Upon completion of their service, members receive an Education Award as well as a monthly stipend during their service.

AmeriCorps and UTK

AmeriCorps provides seven service members each year to staff our office. Those positions are: Outreach & Engagement Coordinator, Data Analyst and Office Admin, Alternative Energy and Transportation Coordinator, Zero Waste Coordinator, Social Impact Coordinator, Grow Lab Coordinator and Compost Logistics Coordinator. The Office of Sustainability is able to provide its service members many different professional development opportunities through connections at the University. Members are encouraged to attend conferences where they can expand their education on sustainability initiatives. In addition to professional development, members that serve at UT also have the availability to use resources provided by the University to complete meaningful projects.


If you’re interested in working with the Office of Sustainability through AmeriCorps please apply by following the link below! The application is done through AmeriCorps, where you will be given the opportunity to select our office. If you have any questions about the positions or applying please reach out, we would love to set up a meeting.

There is only 1 position left for the 2024-2025 Service Year, the Compost Logistics Coordinator. For more information on that position, visit this link.


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