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Environmental Leadership Awards

The annual Environmental Leadership Awards recognizes students, faculty and staff, and members of the greater Knoxville community who help to Make Orange Green through their environmental leadership. The awards are a collaboration between the Office of Sustainability and the Committee on the Campus Environment (CCE). The 2025 Environmental Leadership Awards Ceremony will be held on Monday, April 7th.

Recap of the 2024 Environmental Leadership Awards here


Do you know someone who deserves to be recognized for their environmental leadership? Or are you planning to attend the ceremony? Use the links below to participate!

Nominate a Candidate: Submit your nominations for students, faculty, staff, or community members who make a difference in sustainability.

RSVP for the Ceremony: Let us know you’re coming to celebrate these amazing leaders!


Below, you’ll find the list of categories, along with each category’s description and criteria, as well as past winners.

Awarded to a student that demonstrates environmental sustainability or environmental justice leadership in the classroom or as a part of their education through research or an internship. This award is open to all students enrolled at UT, regardless of class status or major. This student should be a leader in the classroom, and lead by example.

Past Winners:

2018- Michaela Humby

2019- Kyra Jones

2020- Genesee Semon

2021- Trystan Bordeau

2022- Maddie Brown

2023- Jaimie Armitage, Hayley Simpson

2024- Mary Grace Graddy

Awarded to a student or students that demonstrate environmental sustainability or environmental justice leadership outside of the classroom, in addition, or separate from their education. This student should be actively engaged in environmental or social sustainability work on campus and in their lives. They truly exemplify what it means to Make Orange Green on campus. This award is open to all students enrolled at UT, regardless of class status or major.

Past Winners:

2017- Alaina Wood

2018- Travis Livingston

2019- Emma Heins & Payton Myers

2020- Kendall Wimberley

2021- Rachel Stewart

2022- Simon Jolly

2023- Katerina Scott

2024- Julia Craven

Awarded to a faculty member that demonstrates environmental leadership above and beyond their job responsibilities. The faculty member does not have to be directly involved with the Office of Sustainability/academics, but should show the importance of sustainability on campus through their everyday actions and interactions.

Past Winners:

2017- Mike McKinney

2018- Holly Dean

2019- Jon Hathaway

2020- Lisa Reyes Mason

2021- David Keffer

2022- Hannah Herrero

2023- Mike Ross

2024- Sharon Jean-Philippe

Awarded to a staff member that demonstrates environmental leadership above and beyond their job responsibilities. The staff member does not have to be directly involved with the Office of Sustainability/academics, but should show the importance of sustainability on campus through their everyday actions and interactions.

Past Winners:

2017- David Byrd

2018- Bethany Morris

2019- Stephanie Langley

2020- Abigail Brumfield

2021- Wayne Mason

2022- Chef White

2023- Holly Jones

2024- Garrett Ferry

Awarded to a community member that demonstrates impactful leadership within the UT community. This person should not directly work for UT, but be engaged in the UT and Knoxville community on enhancing environmental sustainability or environmental justice while increasing our efforts to Make Orange Green on a broader scale. Community members can include, but are not limited to, AmeriCorps members, Aramark employees, City of Knoxville Employees, etc.

Past Winners:

2017- Peg Beute

2018- Michaela Barnett

2019- Mayor Madeline Rogero

2020- Jennifer Alldredge

2021- David Bolt

2022- Luke Sively

2023- Makenzie Read

2024- Kasey Krouse

Awarded to a student organization that demonstrates environmental stewardship through engagement, action, and leadership. This award is open to all active student organizations registered at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville. The student organization does not have to be in the environmental category, but should make strong efforts toward sustainable actions.

Past Winners:

2017- Hydrolunteers

2018- Food Recovery Network

2019- Alpha Kappa Psi

2020- Student Basic Needs Coalition

2021- Compost Coalition

2022- Student Basic Needs Coalition

2023- Smokey’s Cleanup Crew

2024- Sustainable Business Organization

Awarded to a faculty or staff member who has demonstrated environmental leadership throughout their tenure and will leave a lasting impact on the university after they retire. This does not exclude those who did so as a part of their job responsibilities.

Past Winners:

2017- Dr. John Nolt

2018- Dr. Mike McKinney

2019- Dr. Joanne Logan

2020- Bill Park

2021- David Greene

2022- Mary Leslie Patterson

2023- Chris Cimino

2024- David Brown & Melissa Hinten